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My 9 Tips to add in on Sundays to succeed for your coming week!

1. Shift Your Mindset Sundays don’t need to be what they are most commonly known for; a lazy day for hangovers and meaningless binge-watching (and eating). My first tip for you is to think of Sundays like the first day of the week. It really takes the edge and pressure off of Mondays. You can get a head start on your work for the week by prepping on Sundays. Prep, prep, and prep. Prepping is key. (Have I said “prepping” enough times now?) This is by far my favorite tip for avoiding the Monday blues.

2. Meal Prep Ah, what a classic Sunday tip, right? You’ll save so much time by getting all or at least a few days worth of your meal prepping on Sundays for the week ahead. This is your chance to look up new and exciting recipes, make healthier choices and bulk that fridge with delicious ready-to-go meals. By preparing most of your meals in advance you are also saving a ton of $$. Need I say more? Also support local, shop at our local Farm Fresh better quality which means its lasting longer , its cheaper and you are supporting our town and employment.

3. Plan Your Week Plan, plan and then plan some more. Sundays are great for catching up with your favorite planner and getting your to-do’s in order. I have always had most success with everything in my life when I plan ahead. 4. Prioritise Your To-Do List Your to-do list is holy and sometimes it can feel endless. So, make sure you prioritise your to-do list in order of urgency and importance. Tick off the most crucial task before you move onto the next.

5. Aim For Inbox Zero I absolutely despise a crowded inbox, I feel unorganised and feel like life is getting on top of me. Pencil out some time to clear out the junk. 🙃 6. Set Goals Do you know what Sundays are also great for? Setting goals. Stop and reflect on your life, the week that’s just passed and make sure you are moving forward towards your dreams and ultimate goals in life. We should all be taking small steps every day that are aligned with our one big goal or dream.

7. Practice Self-Care Don’t let there ever go a Sunday without practicing some self-care and self-lovin’. It’s so important to set aside time for your self. It may be reading a book, a walk with your favorite podcast even a good stretch or foam rolling session.

8. Clean Your Space You don’t ever want to start off the week with a messy home, desk, apartment, and safe space. Spend 30 minutes every Sunday de-cluttering, vacuuming those dust bunnies and doing the dishes. You’re bound to be happier and feel more productive if your environment and space is clutter-free. 9. Unwind & Relax Last but not least, make sure to do absolutely nothing as well. Sundays are not meant to be stressful but they are great for prepping and getting a head start on your work. Remember – it’s still a day of rest so make sure to schedule your downtime. My favorite thing to do during my downtime is to relax and spend time with the family, catching up on a series on Netflix and enjoying slowing down and taking time out for relaxation. Ensuring my week is planned and organised helps me feel more relaxed and able to chill out.


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