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Finding the YOU in today's busy life.


Connection With Aimz


My Beautiful Women,


Apologies this connection Monday is dropping in on Tuesday Still committed to dropping into your inbox weekly.

Ahhh just keeping it real and very much just how life can be sometimes right.

Especially right now with the final Libra eclipse, some shredding of old selves and growth in committing to who we want to become.  So just know if you are feeling some big energy shifts right now, it's okay. 

It may be time for new growth and decisions for you.

Jumping off that fence so to speak.


A few topics came up within me this past week to talk about, so I will do my best to link them all together.  Still keeping to my promise to not write novels just simple connection with you all. 


 Thank you for the amazing return emails and love within them. You have reconfirmed me to keep driving in this direction with this passion of mine.

Please keep them coming, I love reading them and will always get back to you but may be a few days.  I allocate the energy that is required to connect back with you on the same energy.


First and foremost, a massive congratulations to everyone who took on the Mount Lofty Walk on Sunday!

Your strength and determination are truly inspiring, and I feel so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community.

Personal bests achieved, and first timers conquering the Mountain and setting their first benchmark.

So proud of you all!

It was 2.5years since I had done it, so I enjoyed giving it a crack again.


Today I was reflecting on emails and messages I had received last week and over the weekend.


As I took moments to reflect, I wanted to remind you all the importance of listening to our intuition.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s all too easy to let our minds take control, steering us away from what we truly need.

Our bodies give us signs all the time but we need to really stop and listen to it.

Being aware of when our thoughts overshadow our inner voice is so important, as it can profoundly affect our actions and overall well-being.


Let’s also take the time to appreciate the beautiful moments in nature. When you can slow down enough to really observe, to feel……Each experience is a gift, healing on the body and mind and it’s vital that we don’t take those moments for granted. If moving too fast in life (busy to do lists without down time) you can miss the truly incredible beauty that each day gives us.


Holding onto a sense of gratitude helps us remember that life is precious and encourages us to cherish every moment.

To wake up each day grateful for our health, the people in our lives and the beautiful place we live in.

Stepping into our senses and really allowing ourselves to feel at the highest level.


Nutrition, Movement, our earth, soils, the air we breathe in and how we live is medicine.  Essential for our bodies to regenerate and heal. Fuelling ourselves with wholesome food and staying active are vital for living our best lives.

Your mind is equally important and as I explained last week what we put on our skin and in our bodies is too.


This October also marks Mental Health Awareness Month, reminding us to prioritise our mental health just as much as our physical health. Let’s open the conversation around mental health and support each other. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling, please know that you’re not alone. We are here for you, ready to listen and lend a helping hand. If you need extra support, we have some wonderful connections, and different methods too that may be able to help.

Please just reach out.


Let’s continue to uplift and support one another on this journey of self-discovery and wellness in life. Together, we can create a safe space where we are a supported network of empowered women our gratitude grows, and our bodies thrive.


I'm working on behind the scenes on various services to be able to support the community of women in many aspects and seasons of their life. Outside of just exercise and nutrition.  This is so exciting for me and is something I'm already delving into, finding my calling and watching light up my whole being is something that I can't wait to share with you all. 

If you are looking at extra support in aspects of your life, please reach out and I will be more than happy to start to help guide you through your season.


Also, for my breastfeeding Mumma's, in the link below, our partnered Womens Health Physio Tracy has a great video on Breastfeeding and Mastitis.

How Physio can help blocked ducts and mastitis (

With love and care,

until next Connection Monday.... or Tuesday haha. 

Have a great week ladies!





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