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Facts Friday!

Are you struggling with direction in reaching your goals?

Well, let’s start by saying the human body is complex!

So, for one, as we age our resting metabolic rate naturally goes down. Is what it is.

Secondly, I know it sounds obvious, but the we do need to keep in mind is that every BODY is different. One size doesn’t fit all and there is always more to the story.

Everybody processes, absorbs, and uses food differently… also known as our metabolism.

And, finally, the human body works very hard to adapt/maintain homeostasis.

So, if you are doing the same workout all the time, you are no longer expending as much energy (calories) as when you started. Because your body adapted and is more efficient.

Also, your muscles repair and grow during rest. So you do need to rest and take a day off sometimes.

If not, your body will not be able to work out as hard and reap the benefits of fitness as much as it potentially could. No rest can also lead to injury, burn out, and plateau.

A certain level of stress must be placed on the body’s muscles and joints in order to create adaptations to allow for lean muscle growth.

Studies have consistently shown that high intensity interval training (HIIT) stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to burn more fat as compared to steady-state exercise.

HIIT is bursts of very high intensity followed by a short rest. The entire workout tends to be about 20-30 minutes.

Not only does HIIT optimize fat burning during a relatively short exercise session, it actually keeps your metabolism elevated long after you’ve stopped.

Strength training is also an important piece to the puzzle

Having more muscle speeds up your metabolism because it burns calories at a faster rate than fat.

~ It also helps to keep bones dense and strong

~Increases energy levels

~Helps you to maintain correct posture.

To be honest though I could make this into a book not a blog with the benefits of having more muscle.

So, if you feel like you are not seeing the results you want … consider if you are

1) giving yourself enough rest to recover and repair properly,

2) think about if you have changed your workout lately,

3) consider your balance of strength training and high-intensity cardio, and

4) take a look at your diet… are you eating enough or too much??? Enough protein?


If you're needing help with your goals feel free to email me at and we will kick start you in the right direction and have you reaching your goals!




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