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Big Impressions on Small Ears

Children are incredibly influenced by how their parents talk about food.

I know this first hand and know how important at such a young age they have a balance, understanding that at different ages different macro nutrients are required for growing and active bodies.

Our entire future adult population is growing up with incredible social pressure to have the “ideal” body. Social media, television,YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, sports, and peers influence the way kids think about body image, dieting, and health.

It’s more important than ever for kids to learn proper weight control and reasonable body image. This message must come from the home, but unfortunately sometimes this is where most problems begin.

It's so important for them to learn the tools to listen to their body, am I hungry or am I just bored, or in fact maybe I'm just thirsty.

Why not get your Kids Involved in the Kitchen

I understand that kids can be picky. To alleviate some of the mealtime struggle, make your kids a part of the process. Have them choose a few recipes each week that include vegetables. Let them pick out produce that looks fun. When kids take ownership of their decisions, they are more likely to try eating something new. Point out that vegetables make you strong and healthy, not just something to eat to look good for summer . Pass down cooking skills, teach them what well-rounded meals look like, and model healthy food habits yourself. Everything you do regarding food can and will be imitated. Give your kids the tools to make better decisions.

Be a role model for your children

If you want one reason to stop the dieting cycle, do it for your kids. Food practices and perceived body images are learned through the parents at a very young age. It’s hard to go back and change habits once the impressions are made, and these unhealthy mindsets carry into adulthood.

A poor relationship with food begins early, and it is sad to see. But it’s not too late to make a lasting change. If it's lots of quick and easy packaged meals or the other end of the spectrum being too strict and not giving the body what it needs!! Food is a source of nourishment, fueling our bodies, a vehicle for making memories, and something to look forward to and enjoy. Let’s give that gift to the future generation.

Being Active

It's more important now than ever i believe!! Unfortunately these days there is

a lot of technology that wasn't there when i was a kid. Ipads, computers, phones, game consoles (well i had some of these) but internet has become more readily available. Even in the school system its a requirement from a young age they have an Ipad. It's also easy as a parent to just let your kid sit on these devices for hours on end as they are quiet and entertained and while yes some people may argue that going into school they need to be up with the technology, i feel time limits need to be put to these things. Don't forget we as parents are not perfect also, to this day I still want to put better practices into place for my son. When i was a kid (and yes i'm not too old) we use to go outside make cubby houses go for bike rides - play more sports etc. Not only that but spend more time as a family being active. Some of my fondest memories from growing up are these times. This directly will change they way your children feel and all round feel better about themselves. :)

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